Landscape Architecture and Planning – Design

The challenges facing cities and landscapes are multiple and inescapable, impacting spatial, social and environmental aspects. Complex by nature, they require in-depth knowledge and holistic approaches. That is why our research on landscape architecture, planning, and spatial transformation solutions is cross-disciplinary to the very core.

Our research and education address climate adaptation, spatial transformation, and ecology in parallel to cultural heritage, aesthetics, and democratic processes. We synthesise insights from the natural and social sciences, as well as from the humanities and arts, to provide critical knowledge, imagine future scenarios, and create tangible outcomes for the ongoing green transition.

Our collaborative and experimental research approach makes us adept at addressing wicked problems and bringing together all relevant partners: citizens, authorities, NGOs, artists, private businesses, and other universities.

Working within a span from basic to applied research, we provide evidence, critical perspectives and design-based solutions that challenge current practices and deliver actual impact.

The research groups in the section focus on Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Spatial Change and Planning and Landscape Technology

Inquiries to the section

Head of Section

Bettina Lamm
+45 35 33 17 71